Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beware of dioxin content in Dressing Women

According to WHO, Indonesia is a country with cervical cancer NO.1 in the world, and 62%, one of which resulted from the use of sanitary products are not qualified. In the RSCM: 400 new cervical cancer patients every year, and that was just from one hospital and deaths from cervical cancer is about 66%. The majority of patients come in an advanced stage. The level of awareness of early detection remains low. Every one hour there is the addition of cervical cancer patients in Indonesia.

See this.....

Regional femininity we love so far turned out we accidentally poisoned. And that makes us surprised is that the pads that we use was made of paper/recycling and waste containing dioxin.

Congress (Parliament) in the United States is preparing legislation banning the use of bleach on the pads and the use of recycled materials. women's cancer center of Tampons Safety and Research Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) HR 890 IH. And in some developed countries such pads banned. In Indonesia we are not informed about these dangers, and sanitary industries continue to sell their products at very cheap and low quality because they do not wear cotton material but made from recycled waste paper and bleach.

Sanitary napkin is a very vital thing for women has become a necessity even when a woman is menstruating. Without realizing it, turned it into one of the discovery of disease-causing substance dioxin femininity with the body's girlfriends. According to the World Health Organization WHO that a substance dioxin can cause cancer.

What is dioxin?
Dioxin is a byproduct of the process of bleaching (bleaching) which is used in paper mills, including factory sanitary napkins, tissue, sanitary pads and diapers.

...see also...

How Dioxin can seep into the womb?
When the menstrual blood (is hot) falls to the surface of the bandage, then the substance dioxin will be released through the evaporation process. Steam is first going on the surface of the vagina, later absorbed into the uterus through the cervical canal, and into the uterus through the fallopian tubes and ended in the ovary. So that causes: cervical cancer, gatal2, etc. myoma.

-Guide To test whether made from pulp / recycled paper as follows:

You can do test whether the pads that you buy is safe or not as follows:
  1. Scratch your sanitary products, take the core inside.
  2. Take a glass of water. Try to use transparent glass so that more clear.
  3. Take some of your pads core slabs and dip it in water. Stir with chopsticks.
  4. See changes in water color (because if hygienic and clean, the water should remain clear).
  5. See if the product is kept intact or destroyed, such as pulp. If destroyed and the water is cloudy, it means you use less product quality, and many contain bleach (dioxin)